Inkscape Open Source Vector Drawing Software

Inkscape software allows you to create vector drawings and prepare usable vector paths for cutting or laser engraving.

Inkscape Vector draw

About Inkscape software

Inkscape is a free open source vector graphics editing software program, with capabilities similar to Illustrator, Freehand, CorelDraw, and Xara X, using the standard or W3C Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format.

This free vector drawing software program was created from the Sodipodi project and a Gill code fork, a software program created by Raph Levien for the GNOME desktop. The primary goal of Inkscape is to create a powerful and easy-to-use drawing tool, fully compliant with XML, SVG and CSS standards. 

Inkscape is available on Windows, Mac Os X, Linux, Ubuntu and OpenSUSE platforms. 

Inkscape software allows you to create vector drawings and prepare usable vector paths for cutting or laser engraving. 

Inkscape Software Features

Vector files with Inkscape: List of Formats

Inkscape software supports importing:

When exporting, svg files are back up with units in pixels. You should know that in Inkscape 90 dpi = 90 px = 1 inch = 25.4 mm (the conversion factor is different in Illustrator software).

There are very useful and easy-to-use plugins for Inkscape software, to design vector files to be used for laser cutting:  

Inkscape software is free and can be downloaded on the official website 

Inkscape does not support 3D files. To create a 3D file, consult our tutorials and tips for making 3D models. 

Is Inkscape easy to learn?

Inkscape is easy to learn, it’s just about figuring out the best way to use it. 
Perhaps, starting with a specific project you want to accomplish will give you focus and goals to work on. Sketch it out on paper, if possible to give you some rough proportions, angles and layouts that you will need. 

Best Inkscape Tutorials